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Adding licenses to the apps and tools created within the activity of ICRA research is an important consideration to ensure that the software can be shared, used, and modified by others in compliance with legal requirements. Here are some guidelines that you could consider when deciding on the license to use:

  1. Identify the goals and values of ICRA: Consider the mission and goals of your research center and the values that the software should reflect. Choose a license that aligns with the values of the research center, such as promoting collaboration, sharing, and innovation.
  2. Consider the impact of the license on future research: Choose a license that enables the sharing and reuse of the software by others, including other researchers and developers. This can foster collaboration, accelerate research, and promote the use of the software in new applications.
  3. Decide between open-source or proprietary licenses: Open-source licenses provide more flexibility for sharing and modifying the software, while proprietary licenses can offer more control over the use and distribution of the software. Choose a license that best aligns with the research center's goals and values.
  4. Consider the type of license: There are several types of open-source licenses, including permissive licenses (e.g., MIT, BSD) and copyleft licenses (e.g., GPL, AGPL). Permissive licenses allow for more freedom in using and modifying the software, while copyleft licenses require derivative works to be released under the same license. Choose a license that aligns with the goals and values of the research center.
  5. Seek legal advice: Consult with legal counsel to ensure that the chosen license is legally valid and enforceable. This can help to mitigate the risk of legal disputes and ensure that the software is compliant with relevant laws and regulations.